Thursday, September 11, 2008

1 minggu yang lalu....

Hello readers!
I'm back!
Sekarang gw bakal nyeritain apa hal-hal yang menarik untuk diceritakan!
Here i goes

Hari senen, gw belajar Biologi ama Drs. Satiman, guru biologi gw di SMP. Lagi ngebahas tentang penyakit apa saja yang menggangu reproduksi, tiba-tiba masalah terjadi...
temen gw, namanya Salsa nyeletuk saat pak Satiman sedang menjelaskan tentang HIV/AIDS, "pak! orang homo itu bisa menyebarkan virus HIV ya pak??" dengan pintar, pak Satiman jawab "oh, bisa juga. soalnya kan kontak langsung dengan tubuh." dan masalah yang sebenarnya terjadi...
temen gw, Tonang, yang emang suka nyeletuk ngaco, nanya gini dengan semangat '45 "pak!!! Kalo Orang homo rekreasinya gimana pak???" FYI, rekreasi disini maksudnya KAWIN karena memiliki sensasi (yang katanya) mirip hiburan saat malam hari. dengan santainya, pak Satiman malah ngomong "KAYAK MAIN ANGGAR LAH!!!!" Bujubuneng! Dragonohmygod!!! Astaganagabonarjadidua!!! Dasar guru bokep!

Hari Rabu, gw les LIA di daerah Galaxy di Bekasi. Disuruh bikin drama. dan (dengan begonya) temen-temen gw malah milih gw yang bikin script-nya. Silakan anda lihat sendiri naskahnya!!! huahahahahaha!!!


Inside a house in PONDOK INDAH, ghosts from aroud the world have a gathering. With Indonesia as the host

P(pocong): Where's another ghost? Whether they forgot my invitation?
V(vampire): Hey! I'm here! Behind you! You IDIOT!
K(kappa): me too!! What are you looking at BLIND CANDY??
P: Hi! Nice to meet you vampire from europe and kappa from Japan!
V: well, i search for a glass of blood. Where you kepp them?
P: Inside the refrigerator. In the kitchen
V: oh, thanks brother
K: btw, where's the zombie and the other ghost from US?
P: maybe they're late. They're from US right?
K: Oh! There they are!
P: Hi zombie! Nice to meet you! Where's Frakestein?
Z(zombie): He's guarded this house from GHOSTBUSTER! You know? GHOSTBUSTER is the scariest thing for all of ghost in US!
P: Oh! I see. Well, whether he guarded this house better than me?
Z: well, i try to contact him. Hello? Frank? Anyone like GHOSTBUSTER came?
F(Frankestein): aaaa... there is a man in black robe and he bring something like marbles hooked in a string (tasbih maksudnya)
Z: a man in black robe? Maybe he'is a grimm reaper. OK! Thanks Frank!
P: a man in black robe? he bring something like marbles hooked in a string?
Z: Frank tell me like that




P: Yeah, he is like a GHOSBUSTER in Indonesia
K: OH SHIT! We must we must to evade them!!! RUN TO YOUR HOMELAND EVERYONE!!!!!
F: Oh no! we're late!!

The ghosts hide under the floor

PH(pemburu hantu): hmm... where is them? i can feel their fuckin' negative powers!
V: silent guys! Don't move! so, he can't find us!
K: But they can feel our fuckin' negative powers!!! They'll easy to find us
F: I'm Scary...
K: Don't be scared! we're ghost! right?


K: wait a minute... WHERE'S POCONG????
F: hey hey the PEMBURU HANTU is getting out. So, we can make a plan now!!!
V: oh yeah... a few minute ago, i saw, our beloved friend, pocong has just run away
K: It's okay... what's the plan?
V: First, we should pull his leg
F: and we wrapped him!!!
K: Hey! we don't have much time!!!

PEMBURU HANTU is walking through the ghosts

PH: Hey!!! HELP ME!!!! HELP ME!!!!!


ngegantung banget yak???
tapi dengan sukses cerita ini mendapat THE BEST STORY AWARD ROOM 314 LIA GALAXY!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Gw emang jenius bikin cerita yak? apa pas udah gede gw jadi sutradara ajayak??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ehh??? Cerita yang aneh...

Tingkatkan kemampuanmu nak.